Make sure your language is on the t-shirt!

Here are some of the initial responses to the
Notes Floats My Boat
t-shirt translation. We are working to finalize this for Lotusphere 2009.
If you make a suggestion that is chosen, we will give you a t-shirt at Lotusphere (or mail it if you cannot attend Lotusphere).
I marked the current "best" answer in bold red, but we are still missing languages and input. So, please reply with any suggestions.
Notes ist mein Leben (Notes is my life)
Ohne Notes nichts los (Nothing happens without Notes)
Een keer Notes, altijd Notes (one time Notes, Notes forever)
Notes is het beste wat me ooit is overkomen (Notes is the best thing ever happened to me)
Eenmaal notes nooit meer wat anders (Once you have seen notes you never want something else)
Notes Plane pour moi (Notes flies with me)
Notes c'est de la balle (Notes is like a bullet)
Notes er nr 1 for meg (Notes is #1 for me)
Notes y ya! (I only need Notes)
Notes es mi gallo (I bet for Notes)
без Notes, я не могу жить (I cannot live without Notes)
Notes 讓你悠遊自在 ! (Notes floats easily, care free)
Notes 讓你得心應手! (handy, in ease, smooth operation and going)
Notes 很酷! (Notes is very cool)
Notes 很棒 ! (Notes is very great)
Here is the image in downloadable format:
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Notes Floats My Boat