Well the word is out. LOTUS NOTES GETS AN APP STORE. FINALLY. I was trying to keep the NotesAppStore under the radar until it was fully debugged and crawled by the search engines. I have collected and posted as many Notes Apps as I could find. I have to say that it was not an easy job, but now, for people looking for a Notes App, there is one place to go to find it.

Vibrant Apps Community
The point of NotesAppStore is to show that there is a vibrant community building customer-tested apps for Lotus Notes. Anyone looking at Google apps can find many comparable apps in Lotus Notes. However, the Lotus Notes apps are more mature and have been field tested, some for many years. The variety and functionality of these apps also is unrivaled by anything Google offers to businesses.
The other huge distinction is vendor support. Most of the vendors in the NotesAppStore are small to midsize businesses (SMB) who are available to help install and support their Apps. They will answer the phone. This excellent app support will be critical when there is a problem. And they have references to prove it!
So, Lotus Notes and Domino users, finally we can say "There is an App for that" !
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DominoForever, Domino