Yes, the title of the blog appears scary and that is what the senders of the email want, to scare you into opening the message and reading the body, then launching the phony "notice".
Here is a sample of a phony notice that appears to come from JonesDay.

Here are the Law firms that were spoofed in these virus outbreaks, and a sampling of the from addresses that were used. To be perfectly clear, these messages are spoofing the law firms, trying to get the recipient to open them, and have no relationship to the actual law firms. The virus senders rotate through a list of reputable law firms in the hope of getting past the virus filters and tempting their target into opening the message.
Spoofed Law firm name: Baker Botts
"Notice to Appear" <manager@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <appear_support.5@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service.753@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket469@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <no_reply@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <appear_support.7@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <information@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <appear_528@bakerbotts.com>
"Notice to Appear" <manager@bakerbotts.com>
Spoofed Law firm name: Covington and Burling
"Court Notice WA" <support405@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <your_notice@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <notice_support.7@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <support382@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <aa.support369@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <information@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <service.734@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <information@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <manager@cov.com>
"Court Notice WA" <your_notice@cov.com>
Spoofed Law firm name: Jones Day
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.7@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <personal.information@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service.615@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service.723@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_248@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <help420@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_service@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <your_ticket@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service.301@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_609@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.2@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.2@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.8@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket020@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <order.723@jonesday.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_162@jonesday.com>
Spoofed Law firm name: Latham and Watkins
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.3@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support838@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service.252@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket340@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <help432@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.4@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.7@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service_ticket@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.5@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service_ticket@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <information@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <no_reply@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.9@lw.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.5@lw.com>
Spoofed Law firm name: McDermott Will & Emery
"Notice to Appear" <manager@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.5@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_service@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.6@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.6@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <service@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.2@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <ticket_support.2@mwe.com>
"Notice to Appear" <support.6@mwe.com>
Spoofed Law firm name: Orrick
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.4@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <your_notice@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <service_notice@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <service.959@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.6@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.7@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <your_notice@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.3@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.3@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.4@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <notice_service@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <order.510@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <notice_support.5@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <information@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <notice706@orrick.com>
"Court Notice Orrick" <support.8@orrick.com>
Opening the messages. Don't try this at home (or the office)!
I took one message and loaded my Virus Testing Workstation, which is a virtual machine that I can infect then delete the machine.

Here is one of the viruses that was caught as a ZIP file.

Here is the attachment, which is disguised as a Word document, but is actually an executable file:

As there was no response when I clicked the attachment, I clicked it again, so I infected the machine twice. Notice in the task manager, they use the file name to avoid suspicion and preventing some people from closing it.

When I did close it, I got this error.

I didn't try to dig into the mechanism of infection, or wait 24-48 hours and see what damage they did to my virtual machine, but that will be a subject for another post.
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