The official charity of MayFlower Software is now the Salvation Army, a group that has for many years been reaching out to help others.
Here is their Mission Statement
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Here is their website:

As part of our sponsorship and support of the Salvation Army, we are proudly donating SpamSentinel software for their 50,000 users worldwide, all of whom will be getting Lotus Notes email and virus protection free this year. So, we get to do something very big, saving The Salvation Army hundreds of thousands of dollars in IT support costs and allowing their users to work without the distraction of spam in their Inboxes.
We were already servicing Salvation Army in Australia as a paid customer, but money was tight for renewal. So when Mark Calleran stopped by out booth at Lotusphere 2009 this year, we discussed making The Salvation Army our official charity. This certainly caught Mark by surprise, but pleased him and his users in Australia.
Personally, I have always done a small part with my 4 kids, ringing a bell at a local supermarket during the Thanksgiving to Christmas holidays. My kids are very fortunate to have a good home and loving, supportive parents. The bell ringing not only helps out the cause, but it reminds them (and me) of how lucky we are, indeed.
The picture below is from December, 2008, our third year raising money locally. Pictured are Sophie, Isabelle, Dominic and Frankie.
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